Santa Fe: Let us not be afraid to build

Santa Fe New Mexico 5/27/24

Thank you Homewise for hosting the Livability Speaker Series. Jerusalem Demsas gave a powerful talk about housing, growth, preservation and housing markets. read more

Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce gears up for ‘Livability Speaker Series’

KRQE 4/9/24

For over 100 years, the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce has been building up the city’s business community. The chamber is continuing its work with the “Liveability Speaker Series,” presented by Homewise. read more

“Yes” Man: Interview with Bill McKibben

Santa Fe New Mexican 12/3/23

As Johanna Gilligan, Homewise’s chief external affairs officer, put it when she came across Bill McKibben’s May 2023 Mother Jones article about green building (“Yes in Our Backyards”), “a light went off.” Gilligan and Homewise had been putting together their Livability Speakers series, as well as struggling with land-use debates, affordable housing, infill developments, higher density, sustainability, and myriad other housing issues. read more

Livability — What It Is and How Do We Get It?

Santa Fe New Mexican 5/12/23

A coalition of Santa Fe nonprofits and civic groups is starting a series of discussions Monday designed to help community members think for deeply about our city and its future. read more

Parking Over People: Interview with Paved Paradise Author Henry Grabar

Santa Fe New Mexican 11/5/23

Earlier this fall, Homewise, as part of its Livability Speaker Series, brought in journalist Henry Grabar to talk about his new book Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains the World. And boy, did he explain a lot. read more

Author-Activist, Bill McKibben Aims To Put Heat on Climate Change

Santa Fe New Mexican 10/28/23

While many Santa Feans were preparing for the Halloween weekend, about 200 gathered at the Santa Fe Art Institute Friday night for something more frightening: a talk on climate change by activist and writer Bill McKibben. read more

2023 Santa Fe Election Endorsements

Santa Fe Reporter 10/11/23

An affordable housing advocate recently posted on social media the five-year history of a new real estate listing in a previously affordable part of town. The home’s sale price had increased, since 2018, by nearly 81% before hitting the market this month at close to half a million dollars. read more

Pop Quiz District 1: SFR quizzes City Council candidates about the communities they hope to represent

Santa Fe Reporter 10/11/23

This election season SFR reprises the tradition of administering pop quizzes to City Council candidates about the communities they hope to represent. For the last installment in contested City Council races, it’s time for District 1. read more

Santa Fe Advisory Board Helps Give Voice to the Homeless

Santa Fe New Mexican 7/22/23

John Bacon was making a six-figure salary as vice president at National Airlines in 2001. read more